Hawaiian LomiLomi Massage

Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage
Lomilomi goes far beyond massage, however; it also reflects the connection we have with the land (‘aina), the spirit guides or ancestors (‘aumakua) and the breath of life (aloha).
The strokes are done with the hands and forearms and are often long and sweeping, much like long, rolling waves traveling along the body.
Lomilomi is beneficial for many ailments and to increase spiritual energy and personal power (mana). The nurturing strokes are relaxing; however, one soon learns this work is therapeutic on all levels. Its goal is to create peace and oneness with the mind, body, and spirit.
The massage focuses its efforts not only on relaxing the physical body, but also the energetic body. Most people would recognize this energy as chi or qi.
Lomilomi massage on the abdomen is always emphasized in traditional teachings, in order to help the elimination process and improve the energetic function of the organs..